For Thou O Lord Art a Shield for Me Lyrics John Sellers

Number Kickoff Line Writer(due south) Engagement Meter Verses 1
  • Abba Male parent let me be Yours and Yours
Dave Bilbrough 1977 . 1 2 Abide with me fast falls the eventide The darkness
  • Abide with me fast falls the eventide The darkness
Henry Francis Lyte 1847 10 10 10 10 12 3
  • Ah Lord God Yard hast made the heavens
Kay Chance �1976 Kay Take chances . None four
  • Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia Alle
Jerry Sinclair �1972, 1978 Manna Mu 8 viii 8 eight (L.M.) None 5
  • Create in us O God
Sherrell Prebble
Howard Clark �1978 Commemoration Se . None six
  • Jesus is Lord of all the earth
Donald E. Fishel �1973 The Discussion of Go . None 7 All hail King Jesus All hail Emmanuel
  • All hail Male monarch Jesus All hail Emmanuel
Dave Moody 1984 . one 8
  • All hail the Lamb enthroned on loftier
Dave Bilbrough �1987 Thankyou Music . None ix All hail the power of Jesus Name Let angels
  • All hail the power of Jesus Proper name Let angels
Edward Perronet 1779,1780-04 8 vi eight vi extended 24 10
  • All heaven declares the glory of the
Noel Richards
Tricia Richards �1987 Thankyou Music . None 11
  • All sky waits with bated breath
Graham Kendrick
Chris Rolinson �1986 Thankyou Music . None 12
  • All over the world the Spirit is moving
Roy Turner �1984 Thankyou Music . None 13 All people that on earth do dwell Sing  to the
  • All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the
William Kethe
Scottish Psalter and Paraphras 1561 viii 8 8 8 (L.M.) 7 14 Each little flower that opens
  • Each lilliputian bloom that opens
Cecil Frances (Humphreys) Alexander 1848 7 6 7 half-dozen and refrain vii fifteen
  • All you angels circular Your throne
Marc Nelson �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None sixteen
  • Almighty God we bring Yous praise
Austin Martin �1983 Thankyou Music . None 17
  • Almighty God our heavenly Father
Chris Rolinson �1980 Central Board . None 18
  • Almighty Sovereign Lord
Phil Lawson Johnston �1987 Thankyou Music . None 19 Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a
  • Astonishing grace how sugariness the sound That saved a
John Newton
Bryn Austin Rees 1779,xix cent 8 half dozen viii half-dozen (C.M.) xiii xx
  • An army of ordinary people A kingdom
Dave Bilbrough �1983 Thankyou Music . None 21 And can it be that I should gain An interest in
  • And can it exist that I should gain An interest in
Charles Wesley 1738 8 8 8 8 eight eight 6 22 A new commandment I give unto you
  • A new commandment I give unto you lot
Tony Westwood . 2 23 Angels from the realms of glory
  • Angels from the realms of glory
James Montgomery 1816,1825 8 7 eight 7 and refrain 8 24 Angel voices ever singing Round Thy
  • Angel voices always singing Round Thy
Francis Pott 1861 8 5 eight 5 8 4 3 vi 25 A safe stronghold our God is still
  • A prophylactic stronghold our God is however
Martin Luther
Rupert E. Davies
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle 1529 8 7 eight 7 6 6 6 6 seven 4 26
  • Ascribe greatness to our God the rock
Peter West
Mary Lou Locke
Mary Kirkbride Barthow �1979 Peter West/Int . None 27
  • Equally the deer pants for the water
Martin J. Nystrom �1983 Restoration Mu . None 28
  • As nosotros are gathered Jesus is here
John Daniels �1979 Give-and-take'southward Spirit . None 29
  • The ii-edg�d sword is sharpened
Dale Garrett �1982 Scripture in South . None 30
  • Every bit we seek Your face
Dave Bilbrough �1990 Thankyou Music . None 31 As with gladness men of old Did the
  • Every bit with gladness men of onetime Did the
William Chatterton Dix 1860 7 7 vii 7 7 7 5 32 In the Name of Jesus every knee shall
  • In the Name of Jesus every knee shall
Caroline Maria Noel 1870 half-dozen five half dozen v D eight 32 At the Name of Jesus every knee shall
  • At the Name of Jesus every knee shall
Caroline Maria Noel 1870 6 5 6 5 D 8 33
  • At this fourth dimension of giving gladly now we
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Way Music . None 34
  • At Your feet nosotros autumn mighty risen Lord
Dave Fellingham �1982 Thankyou Music 11 x 11 10 and refrain None 35
  • Put on your garments of splendour
David J. Hadden �1982 Discussion's Spirit . None 36 Away in a manger no crib for a bed
  • Away in a manger no crib for a bed
John Samuel Bewley Monsell
John Thomas McFarland 1883 11 11 11 11 3 37
  • Be bold be strong for the Lord your God
Morris Chapman �1983 Give-and-take Music (UK . None 38
  • Behold the darkness shall cover the
Eric Drinking glass �1974 Eric Glass . None 39 Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain
  • Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain
Elizabeth Cecilia Douglas Clephane 1868,1872 seven 6 8 vi 8 half dozen 8 6 5 40
  • Be still for the Spirit of the Lord
David J. Evans �1986 Thankyou Music . None 40
  • Be nonetheless for the presence of the Lord
David J. Evans �1986 Thankyou Music . None 41
  • Be however and know that I am God
Unknown 8 8 viii 3 42 Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart
  • Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart
Irish gaelic Poem
Dallan Forgaill
Mary Elizabeth Byrne
Eleanor Henrietta Hull
Mary Elizabeth Byrne
Eleanor Henrietta Hull c.750,1905,1912 10 ten 10 10 six 43
  • In that location is only i God There is merely i
Bob GIllman �1977 Thankyou Music . None 44 Blessed assurance Jesus is mine O what a foretaste
  • Blessed assurance Jesus is mine O what a foretaste
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby 1873 ix ten 9 9 and refrain iii 45
  • Blest be the God and Male parent
Dave Fellingham �1983 Thankyou Music . None 46
  • Blessed be the name of the Lord
Kevin Prosch
Danny Daniels �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None 47
  • Bless the Lord O my soul and let all
Phil Rogers �1989 Thankyou Music . None 48
  • Bless the Lord O my soul anoint the Lord
Unknown . 2 49 Blest is the tie that binds our hearts in
  • Blessed is the necktie that binds our hearts in
John Fawcett 1782 6 vi eight 6 (S.M.) 10 49 Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in
  • Blessed exist the necktie that binds our hearts in
John Fawcett 1782 half dozen 6 8 6 (S.M.) ten 50 Break Thou the bread of life dear Lord
  • Interruption Thou the bread of life dear Lord
Mary Artemisia Lathbury
Alexander Groves 1877,1913 six 4 6 4 D 8 51 Breathe on me breath of God Fill me with
  • Breathe on me breath of God Fill me with
Edwin Hatch 1878 6 6 8 6 (S.M.) v 52
  • Bring a Psalm to the Lord
Brent Sinclair Chambers �1979 Scripture in Southward . None 53
  • He offered His trunk He poured out soul
Colin Lunt
Janet Lunt �1978 Sovereign Musi . None 54 Brother let me be your servant
  • Brother let me be your servant
Richard Gillard �1977 Scripture in Due south . None 55
  • Past Your side I would stay
Noel Richards
Tricia Richards �1989 Thankyou Music . None 56
  • Cause me to come to Thy river
Edward R. Miller �1974 Maranatha Musi . None 57
  • Celebrate Jesus Gloat
Gary Oliver �1988 Integrity�s Ho . None 58
  • You lot are the potter
Eddie Espinosa �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 59 Christians awake salute the happy morn
  • Christians awake salute the happy morning time
John Byrom 1749 10 10 10 10 10 ten 7 60
  • Love's work is done
Chris Rolinson �1989 Thankyou Music . None 61 Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia
  • Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia
Charles Wesley
Charles Wesley
Unknown 14 cent,1739 seven 7 7 seven with Alleluias x 62
  • Christ triumphant ever reigning
Michael Saward � Jubilate Hymns eight 5 8 5 None 63
  • Clear the road make wide the mode
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Way Music . None 64
  • Colours of twenty-four hours dawn into the mind
Sue McClellan
John Pac
Keith Ryecroft �1974 Thankyou Music . None 65
  • Come and praise Him imperial priesthood
Andy Carter �1977 Thankyou Music . None 66
  • We come not to a mountain of fire
Mike Kerry �1982 Thankyou Music . None 67
  • Come and come across Come and see Come up and see
Graham Kendrick �1989 Brand Way Music . None 68
  • Come bless the Lord all ye servants of
P. Lawson-Johnson . 3 69
  • Come up into the Holy of Holies
John Sellers �1984 Integrity�southward Ho . None seventy
  • Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels
Isaac Watts 1707 eight 6 8 6 (C.Chiliad.) 10 71
  • Come let us sing for joy to the Lord
Brent Sinclair Chambers �1985 Scripture in S . None 72 Come let us sing of a wonderful love
  • Come let us sing of a wonderful love
Robert Walmsley x 4 ten 7 4 10 extended iv 73
  • Come on and celebrate His gift of dearest
Patricia Morgan
Dave Bankhead �1984 Thankyou Music . None 74
  • Come see the beauty of the Lord
Graham Kendrick �1985 Thankyou Music . None 75 Come ye thankful people come Raise the
  • Come ye thankful people come Enhance the
Henry (Dean) Alford 1844 seven 7 7 7 D 9 76 Create in me a clean heart O God
  • Create in me a make clean centre O God
Dave Fellingham �1983 Thankyou Music . None 77
  • Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb
Matthew Bridges
Godfrey Thring 1852,1874 6 half dozen eight 6 D (D.S.M.) ten 78
  • Darkness like a shroud
Graham Kendrick �1985 Thankyou Music . None 79 Dear Lord and Father of mankind Forgive
  • Dear Lord and Begetter of mankind Forgive
John Greenleaf Whittier 1872-04 8 6 8 8 vi extended 6 eighty
  • I open upwardly my middle
Chris A. Bowater �1986 Sovereign Life . None 81
  • Draw me closer Lord Draw me closer
Stuart DeVane
Glenn Gore �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 82
  • Through your love and through the ram
Michael Card
John Thompson �1981 Whole Armor Pu . None 83
  • Emmanuel Emannuel We call Your name
Bob McGee �1976 C A Music/Musi . None 84
  • Enter in to His great love
Carol Mundy �1988 Thankyou Music . None 85
  • Eternal God we come to You
Dave Fellingham �1983 Thankyou Music . None 86
  • Exalted You are exalted
Dave Bilbrough �1990 Thankyou Music . None 87
  • Exalt the Lord our God
Rick Ridings �1977,1980 Scripture . None 88
  • Facing a task unfinished That drives u.s.a.
Frank Houghton � Overseas Missionar 7 vi 7 vi D None 89
  • Faithful 1 and then unchanging
Brian Doerksen �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None 90
  • Begetter I tin can call You Begetter
Danny Daniels �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None 91
  • Father God I requite all thank you and praise
Jack Williams Hayford �1981 Rocksmith Musi . None 92
  • Father God I wonder how I managed
Ian Smale �1984 Thankyou Music . None 93
  • Father God we worship Yous
Graham Kendrick �1981 Thankyou Music . None 94
  • Begetter here I am again
Danny Daniels �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None 95
  • Father in heaven Our voices
Dave Bilbrough �1985 Thankyou Music . None 96
  • Father in heaven how we honey You lot
Bob Fitts �1985 Scripture in S . None 97
  • Father I identify into your hands
Jenny Hewer �1975 Thankyou Music . None 98 Father make us one
  • Begetter make u.s. one
Rick Ridings �1976,1982 Scripture . None 99 Father I adore You Lay my life before
  • Father I adore You Lay my life before
Terrye Coelho 1972 . 3 99 Father we adore You Lay our lives before
  • Begetter we adore You Lay our lives before
Terrye Coelho 1972 . 3 100
  • Father we adore You lot We are Your
Phil Lawson Johnston �1989 Thankyou Music . None 101
  • Father we adore You lot Yous've drawn
Carl Tuttle �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 102 Father we love You we worship and adore
  • Father nosotros love Y'all we worship and adore
Donna Adkins �1976,1981 Give-and-take Musi . None 103
  • Father Y'all are my portion
Andy Park �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 104
  • Father Your dear is precious beyond
Everett Perry �1983 Thankyou Music . None 105
  • Fear not for I am with you
Phil Pringle �1987 Seam of Aureate/K . None 106
  • The fig tree is budding the vine beareth
Priscilla Wright �1971,1975 Celebrati . None 107 Fight the good fight with all thy might
  • Fight the skillful fight with all thy might
John Samuel Bewley Monsell 1863 8 eight 8 viii (L.M.) 4 108 Fill Thou my life O Lord my God In every
  • Make full G my life O Lord my God In every
Horatius Bonar 1866 8 6 8 6 (C.M.) 9 109
  • For all Thy saints who from their
William Walsham How 1864 ten x 10 and Allelujas 11 109
  • For all the saints who from their
William Walsham How 1864 10 10 10 and Allelujas 11 110
  • For His name is exalted His glory higher up
Dale Garrett �1972 Scripture in S . None 111
  • For I'm building a people of power
Dave Richards �1977 Thankyou Music . None 112 For the beauty of the earth For the
  • For the dazzler of the earth For the
Folliott Sandford Pierpont 1864 vii vii 7 7 7 vii viii 113
  • For the Lord is marching on
Bonnie Low �1977,1979,1986 Scri . None 114
  • For this purpose Christ was revealed
Graham Kendrick �1985 Thankyou Music . None 115
  • For Thou O Lord art high above all the
Pete Sanchez Jr �1977 Pete Sanchez J . None 116
  • For unto us a child is born unto united states a
Unknown . i 117
  • For nosotros meet Jesus enthroned on high
Susan Hutchinson �1979 Word'due south Spirit . None 118
  • For Your wonderful deeds
David J. Hadden �1990 Restoration Mu . None 119
  • From all that dwell below the skies Let
Isaac Watts
Robert Nelson Spencer 1719,1780 8 viii 4 four 8 8 and Alleluja 4 120
  • From heaven You came
Graham Kendrick �1983 Thankyou Music . None 121
  • From the rise of the sun to the going
Paul Deming S. �1976 Integrity�due south Ho . None 122
  • From the sun's rise
Graham Kendrick �1987 Make Style Music . None 123
  • Requite me life Holy Spirit
Danny Daniels �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 124
  • Give thank you with a grateful centre
Henry Smith �1978 Integrity�s Ho . None 125
  • Give cheers to the Lord Phone call upon
Kevin Gould �1988 Coronation/Kin . None 126
  • Glorious Male parent we exalt You lot
Danny Reed �1987 Thankyou Music . None 127 Glorious things of Thee are spoken Zion city of
  • Glorious things of Thee are spoken Zion city of
John Newton 1779 8 seven eight 7 D 16 128
  • Glory glory in the highest
Danny Daniels �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 129 God forgave my sin in Jesus name
  • God forgave my sin in Jesus name
Carol Owens �1972 Dictionary Music nine 9 9 9 with refrain None 130
  • And every knee joint shall bow
Austin Martin �1984 Thankyou Music . None 131
  • God has spoken to His people
Stuart Baugh �1982 Restoration Mu 8 seven 8 vii D None 132
  • God is good we sing and shout it
Graham Kendrick �1985 Thankyou Music . None 133
  • God is here God is present
Ian Smale �1987 Thankyou Music . None 134
  • God is our Father For He has fabricated the states His
Alex Simons
Freda Kimmey �1977 Celebration/Ki . None 135 God is working His purpose out As year
  • God is working His purpose out As year
Arthur Campbell Ainger 1894 8 half-dozen eight 7 nine seven 6 6 8 5 136
  • God of all condolement
John Wimber �1988 Mercy/Vineyard . None 137
  • God of glory we exalt Your name
Dave Fellingham �1982 Thankyou Music . None 138
  • God of grace I turn my confront
Chris A. Bowater �1990 Sovereign Life . None 139
  • God of grace and God of celebrity On Thy
Harry Emerson Fosdick �1930 H. B. Fosdick 8 7 eight vii 8 7 extended None 140
  • Good Christian men rejoice with centre
Heinrich Suso
Valentin Triller
John Mason Neale
John Mason Neale 1573,1853 half-dozen 6 7 vii 7 8 5 5 3 141
  • Great and marvellous are Thy works
Bob Pitcher �1980 Thankyou Music . None 142
  • Swell and marvellous are Thy works
Kevin Prosch �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 143
  • Great and wonderful are Thy wondrous
Stuart Dauermann �1975 Lillenas Publi . None 144
  • Great is the Lord and greatly to be
Robert Ewing . one 145
  • Great is the Lord and about worthy
Steve McEwan �1985 Body Songs/Adm . None 146
  • Great is the Lord and mighty in power
Dale Garrett �1980 Scripture in S . None 147 Great is Thy faithfulness O God my
  • Great is Thy faithfulness O God my
Thomas Obediah Chisholm 1923 11 ten 11 10 and refrain iii 148 Guide me O Thou great Redeemer Pilgrim through
  • Guide me O Chiliad not bad Redeemer Pilgrim through
William Williams (Pantycelyn)
Peter Williams
Peter Williams 1745,1771,c.1772 8 7 8 vii four seven extended 13 148 Guide me O Thou great Jehovah Pilgrim through this
  • Guide me O Thou neat Jehovah Pilgrim through this
William Williams (Pantycelyn)
Peter Williams
Peter Williams 1745,1771,c.1772 8 7 viii vii 4 7 extended 13 149 Hail Thou once despised Jesus Hail Thou Galilean
  • Hail Thou one time despised Jesus Hail One thousand Galilean
John Bakewell
Martin Madan 1757,1760 8 7 8 7 D x 150
  • Hail to the Lord's All-powerful Great David
James Montgomery 1821 7 6 7 half-dozen D 16 151
  • Hallelujah For the Lord our God the
Dale Garrett �1972 Scripture in S . None 152
  • Hallelujah my Father for giving us Your
Tim Cullen �1975 Celebration Se . None 152
  • Alleluia my Begetter for giving united states Your
Tim Cullen �1975 Celebration Se . None 153 Hallelujah sing to Jesus His the sceptre
  • Hallelujah sing to Jesus His the sceptre
William Chatterton Dix 1867 8 7 viii 7 D half-dozen 153 Alleluia sing to Jesus His the sceptre
  • Alleluia sing to Jesus His the sceptre
William Chatterton Dix 1867 8 7 8 7 D 6 154 Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes The Saviour
  • Hark the glad audio the Saviour comes The Saviour
Philip Doddridge 1735-12-28 eight 6 8 half-dozen (C.M.) 15 155 Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the
  • Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the
Charles Wesley
George Whitefield
Martin Madan
others 1739 7 7 vii 7 D and refrain 5 156 Have Thine own way Lord Have Thine own
  • Have Thine own way Lord Have Thine own
Adelaide Addison Pollard �1907 HarperCollins 5 4 five 4 D None 157
  • My optics have been opened
Dave Bilbrough �1990 Thankyou Music . None 158
  • Hear O Lord our cry Revive us revive us
Graham Kendrick �1989 Make Mode Music . None 159
  • Hear O Shepherd of Your people
Dave Fellingham �1988 Thankyou Music . None 160
  • Heavenly Father I appreciate You
Unknown . 3 161
  • He came to globe not to be served
John Pantry �1990 Thankyou Music . None 162
  • He gave me beauty for ashes the oil
Bob Manzano �1984 Thankyou Music . None 163
  • He holds the cardinal to salvation
Joan Parsons �1978 Thankyou Music . None 164 He is exalted the King is exalted on
  • He is exalted the King is exalted on
Twila Paris �1985 Straight Mode K . None 165
  • He is Lord He is Lord He is risen from
Bearding . 7 166
  • He is my peace who has broken downwardly
Kandela Groves �1985 Maranatha Musi . None 166
  • He is our peace who is cleaved down
Kandela Groves �1985 Maranatha Musi . None 167
  • The fields are white unto harvest Simply
Chris A. Bowater �1981 Sovereign Life . None 168
  • Here is love vast as the ocean Loving
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog)
William Williams (Pantycelyn)
William Edwards
William Edwards 8 7 8 7 D 5 169
  • Hither we are gathered together
Steve Hampton �1978 Scripture in South . None 170
  • He shall reign as King of kings
John Watson
Stuart Townend �1991 Ampelos Music/ . None 171
  • Therefore I will sing and I volition rejoice
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 172
  • He walked where I walk
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Fashion Music . None 173
  • He was pierced for our transgressions
Maggi Dawn �1987 Thankyou Music . None 174
  • He who would valiant be Gainst all
John Bunyan
Percy Dearmer
Percy Dearmer 1684,1906 six five half dozen 5 6 6 6 5 iii 175
  • College higher
Issac Balinda �1990 Integrity�s Ho . None 176
  • His Name is higher than whatever other
Unknown 1972 . 1 177
  • His Proper name is wonderful
Audrey Mae Wagner Mieir �1959,1987 Manna Mus . None 178
  • His vocalism is the bounding main
Bill Anderson �1985 Thankyou Music . None 179
  • Hold me Lord in Your artillery
Danny Daniels �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 180
  • Holiness unto the Lord
Danny Daniels �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None 181
  • Holy holy holy is the Lord God
Andy Park �1990 Mercy/Vineyard . None 182
  • Holy holy holy is the Lord Holy is
Unknown . four 183 Holy holy holy Lord God almighty Early in the
  • Holy holy holy Lord God almighty Early on in the
Reginald Heber 1826 11 12 12 ten five 184
  • Holy holy holy Lord God of power
Unknown . 1 185
  • Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord
Kelly Green �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 186
  • Holy Ane Holy One
Chris A. Bowater �1991 Sovereign Musi . None 187
  • Holy Spirit lead me to my Father
Alun Leppitt �1991 Thankyou Music . None 188
  • Holy Spirit nosotros welcome You
Chris A. Bowater �1986 Sovereign Life . None 189
  • Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna in the highest
Carl Tuttle �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 190
  • I was so lost You are the Ane
Keith Greenish
Melody Light-green �1982 BMG Songs Inc/ . None 191
  • How lovely is Thy dwelling place O Lord
Unknown . ane 192
  • How lovely on the mountains are the feet
Leonard E. Smith Jnr �1974,1978 Leonard E . None 193
  • How precious O Lord
Phil Rogers �1982 Thankyou Music . None 194 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer�s
  • How sweet the proper noun of Jesus sounds In a believer�s
John Newton 1779 8 half dozen viii 6 (C.1000.) 16 195
  • How You bless our lives Lord God
Chris Welch �1987 Thankyou Music . None 196
  • I am a lighthouse A shining and bright
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 197
  • I am a new creation no more in
Dave Bilbrough �1983 Thankyou Music . None 198
  • I am a wounded soldier
Danny Daniels �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 199
  • Whom then shall I fear
John Pantry �1990 Thankyou Music . None 200
  • I am the bread of life He who comes to
S. Suzanne Toolan �1971 GIA Publicatio . None 201
  • I am the God that healeth thee
Don Moen �1986 Integrity�due south Ho . None 202 I am trusting Thee Lord Jesus Trusting only Thee
  • I am trusting Thee Lord Jesus Trusting only Thee
Frances Ridley Havergal 1874,1878 8 5 8 3 vi 203
  • I believe in Jesus I believe He is the
Marc Nelson �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 204
  • I can almost see Your holiness
Peter Jacobs
Hanneke Jacobs �1985 Maranatha Musi . None 205 I cannot tell how he whom angels worship
  • I cannot tell how he whom angels worship
William Young Fullerton 1929 xi 10 11 x 11 10 11 12 5 205 I cannot tell why He whom angels worship
  • I cannot tell why He whom angels worship
William Young Fullerton 1929 xi x 11 10 eleven 10 11 12 v 206
  • I delight greatly in the Lord
Chris A. Bowater �1981 Sovereign Life . None 207
  • I exalt You lot
Cecily Feldman �1989 Cecily Feldman . None 208
  • If I were a butterfly I'd thanks Lord
Brian Howard �1974 Mission Hills/ . None 209
  • I go so excited Lord
Mick Ray �1978 Thankyou Music . None 210
  • I give you lot all the laurels
Carl Tuttle �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 211
  • I give you at present all I have
Amy Rose �1988 Samsongs/Coron . None 212
  • Long before the ages
Marker Altrogge �1986 People of Dest . None 213
  • I have establish such joy
Marc Nelson �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 214
  • I have made a covenant with My chosen
Karen Barrie Chapman �1973 Karen Barrie . None 215 I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto Me and
  • I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto Me and
Horatius Bonar 1846 8 6 8 6 D (D.C.Chiliad.) 4 216
  • I hear the sound of rustling in the
R. Wilson �1979 Thankyou Music . None 217
  • I hear the sound of the army of the Lord
Dave Moody �1984 C A Music/Musi . None 218
  • I but want to praise You Elevator my hands
Arthur Tannous �1984 Acts Music/Kin . None 219
  • I but desire to praise You I just want
Dave Bilbrough �1988 Thankyou Music . None 220 I know not why God
  • I know non why God'southward wondrous grace
Daniel Webster Whittle 1883,1921 8 half-dozen viii vi (C.1000.) and refra 5 221
  • I elevator my eyes upwardly to the mountains
Brian Doerksen �1990 Mercy/Vineyard . None 222
  • I elevator my easily I raise my vocalism
Eddie Espinosa �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 223
  • I lift my easily to the coming King
Andre Kempen �1989 Kempen Music/K . None 224
  • I elevator my vox to praise Your proper name
Dave Bilbrough �1985 Thankyou Music . None 225
  • I alive I live because He is risen
Rich Cook �1976 John T. Benson . None 226
  • I love You Lord and I lift my vocalisation
Laurie Klein �1978,1980 Maranatha . None 227
  • I dearest You my Lord For giving
Dave Fellingham �1984 Thankyou Music . None 228
  • We honey you lot with the honey of the Lord
James M. Gilbert �1975 Bud John Songs . None 228
  • I honey you with the love of the Lord
James M. Gilbert �1975 Bud John Songs . None 229
  • I'chiliad accepted I'm forgiven
Rob Hayward �1985 Thankyou Music . None 230
  • I'm gonna thank the Lord
Dave Bilbrough �1977 Thankyou Music . None 231
  • I'm in love with You
Danny Daniels �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 232
  • Wonderful Counsellor they laughed
Graham Kendrick �1979 Thankyou Music . None 233
  • Emmanuel O Emmanual
Graham Kendrick �1988 Brand Way Music . None 234 Immortal invisible God only wise
  • Immortal invisible God merely wise
Walter Chalmers Smith 1876 eleven 11 xi xi 7 235
  • Waking in the morning time
Diane Davis Andrew �1971,1975 Celebrati . None 236
  • I'm special because God
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 237
  • In heavenly armour we'll enter the land
Jamie Owens-Collins �1985 Fairhill Music eleven 8 11 eight and refrain None 238 In heavenly love abiding No change my heart
  • In heavenly love abiding No change my eye
Anna Laetitia Waring
E. Cronin 1850 seven 6 7 half dozen D five 239
  • Brand a joyful racket Sing unto the Lord
Randy Spier �1981 Integrity�southward Ho . None 240
  • In majesty He comes In majesty and ability
Dave Fellingham �1990 Thankyou Music . None 241
  • In moments like these I sing out a song
David Graham �1980 C A Music/Musi . None 242
  • In my life Lord be glorified
Rob Kilpatrick �1978 Prism Tree Mus . None 243 In the bleak midwinter
  • In the dour midwinter
Christina Georgina Rossetti 1872 . 5 243 In the bleak mid-winter
  • In the bleak mid-winter
Christina Georgina Rossetti 1872 . 5 244
  • In the presence of your people
Brent Sinclair Chambers �1977 Scripture in S . None 245
  • In the tomb and so cold
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 246
  • In through the veil
Bruce Clewett �1983 Thankyou Music . None 247
  • In Thy presence
Mike Kerry �1982 Thankyou Music . None 248
  • I receive Your love
Paul Armstrong �1980 Give-and-take's Spirit . None 249
  • I run into the Lord
Unknown �1971,1975 Celebrati . None 249
  • We see the Lord Nosotros see the Lord
Unknown �1971,1975 Celebrati . None 250
  • Isn't He cute Beautiful isn't He
John Wimber �1980 Mercy/Vineyard . None 251 It came upon the midnight clear That
  • It came upon the midnight articulate That
Edmund Hamilton Sears 1849-12-29 8 6 eight 6 D (D.C.One thousand.) five 252 It is a thing most wonderful Almost too
  • Information technology is a thing most wonderful Almost also
William Walsham How 1872 8 8 8 8 (L.M.) 7 253
  • It is good for me to describe about
Tim Blomdahl �1976 Bible Temple M . None 254
  • It is no longer I that liveth
Sally Ellis �1980 Thankyou Music . None 255
  • Information technology's a happy day
Gary Pfeifer �1973 Fred Bock Musi . None 256
  • It's the presence of Your Spirit
Len Magee �1977 Len Magee Musi . None 257
  • It's Your blood that cleanses me
Michael Christ �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 258
  • I wanna sing
Dave Renehan �1982 Thankyou Music . None 259
  • I desire to be a history maker
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Way Music . None 260
  • I desire to serve the purpose of God
Mark Altrogge �1982 People of Dest . None 261
  • I want to walk with Jesus Christ
C. Simmonds �1964 C. Simmonds . None 262
  • I was fabricated to praise You
Chris Christensen �1986 Integrity�south Ho . None 263
  • I was once in darkness
Joan Parsons �1978 Thankyou Music . None 264
  • I will build My church
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Way Music . None 265
  • I volition call upon the Lord
Victor Rubbo �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 266
  • I volition telephone call upon the Lord
Michael O'Shields �1981 Sound III . None 267
  • I will change your name
D.J. Butler �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 268 I will enter His gates with thanksgiving
  • I will enter His gates with thanksgiving
Leona von Brethorst �1976 Maranatha Musi . None 269
  • I will give thanks to Thee O Lord amongst
Brent Sinclair Chambers �1977 Scripture in South . None 270
  • I will give You lot praise
Tommy Walker �1985 Thankyou Music . None 271
  • I will magnify Thy name
Scott Palazzo �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 272
  • I will praise Yous all my life
Marker Altrogge �1987 People of Dest . None 273
  • I will rejoice in Yous
Unknown . 1 274
  • I will rejoice I will rejoice
Dave Fellingham �1982 Thankyou Music . None 275
  • I volition rising and bless Y'all Sing of Him
Diane Fung �1983 Thankyou Music . None 276
  • Lord how awesome is Your presence
Noel Richards
Tricia Richards �1990 Thankyou Music . None 277
  • I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
James Henry Fillmore, Sr. �1986 Word Music (Britain . None 278
  • I will sing the wondrous story
Francis Harold Rawley �1952 HarperCollins eight vii 8 7 and refrain None 279
  • I will sing unto the Lord as long as I
Donya Brockway �1972 His Center Music/ . None 280
  • I will speak out for those
Dave Bankhead
Sue Rinaldi
Ray Goudie �1990 Word'southward Spirit . None 281
  • I volition worship You Lord with all of my
Dan Gardner �1981 Integrity�due south Ho . None 282
  • I worship You Omnipotent God There is none
Sondra Corbett �1986 Integrity�s Ho . None 283 Jehovah Jireh God will provide
  • Jehovah Jireh God will provide
Ian Smale �1987 Thankyou Music . None 284
  • Jehovah Jireh my provider
Merla Watson �1974 Tempo Music Pu . None 285
  • Jesus Christ is risen today Alleluia
Bohemian Latin carol
Charles Wesley
others xiv cent,1708,1749 7 vii 7 vii with Alleluias four 286
  • Jesus has sat down
Jonathan Wallis �1983 Thankyou Music . None 287
  • Alleluia Jesus is my Lord and King
David Bolton �1975 Thankyou Music . None 288
  • Jesus I love You lot I bow down earlier You
Jude Del Hierro �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 289
  • Jesus is King and I volition extol Him
Wendy Churchill �1981 Give-and-take's Spirit 10 x x x None 290 Jesus is Lord Creation
  • Jesus is Lord Cosmos's voice proclaim
David J. Mansell 1982 11 12 11 12 and refrain i 291
  • Jesus is Lord of all
Marilyn Bakery �1986 Word's Spirit . None 292
  • Jesus I worship you Worship honour and
Chris A. Bowater �1982 Sovereign Life . None 293
  • Jesus Jesus Holy and anointed One
John Barnett �1988 Mercy/Vineyard . None 294
  • Jesus Jesus Jesus Your love has
Chris A. Bowater �1979 Sovereign Musi . None 295
  • Jesus King of kings
Chris Rolinson �1988 Thankyou Music . None 296
  • Jesus lives thy terrors at present Can O death
Christian F�rchtegott Gellert
Frances Elizabeth Cox
Frances Elizabeth Cox 1757,1841 vii 8 vii 8 iv ix 297 Jesu lover of my soul Let me to Thy bosom fly
  • Jesu lover of my soul Allow me to Thy bosom fly
Charles Wesley 1740 seven 7 7 vii 14 297 Jesus lover of my soul Let me to Thy bosom fly
  • Jesus lover of my soul Let me to Thy bosom fly
Charles Wesley 1740 7 7 7 vii 14 298
  • Jesus Name above all names Beautiful
Naida Hearn �1974/1978 Scripture . None 299
  • Jesus put this vocal into our hearts
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 300
  • Jesus send more labourers For Lord nosotros
Chris Rolinson �1988 Thankyou Music . None 301 Jesus shall reign where
  • Jesus shall reign where'er the dominicus Does
Isaac Watts 1719 8 8 8 8 (L.Grand.) xviii 302
  • Jesus shall take the highest accolade
Chris A. Bowater �1988 Sovereign Life . None 303
  • Jesus stand among us at the meeting
Graham Kendrick �1977 Thankyou Music . None 304 Jesus stand among us in Thy risen power
  • Jesus stand up among the states in Thy risen power
William Pennefather c.1855 vi 5 six v three 305
  • Jesus take me as I am I can come no
Dave Bryant 1978 . 1 306
  • Jesus the name in a higher place all names
Hilary Davies �1988 Samsongs/Coron . None 307 Jesus the name high over all In hell or
  • Jesus the name loftier over all In hell or
Charles Wesley 1749 8 six 8 6 (C.Thou.) 9 308 Jesus the very thought of Thee With gladness
  • Jesus the very idea of Thee With gladness
Bernard of Clairvaux
Edward Caswall
Edward Caswall 12 cent,1849 8 6 viii 6 (C.G.) 21 308 Jesus the very thought of Thee With sweetness
  • Jesus the very thought of Thee With sugariness
Bernard of Clairvaux
Edward Caswall
Edward Caswall 12 cent,1849 8 6 eight 6 (C.Yard.) 21 309
  • It was for freedom that Christ
John Gibson �1987 Thankyou Music . None 310
  • Jesus we enthrone You we proclaim you lot
Paul Kyle �1980 Thankyou Music . None 311
  • Jesus You are changing me
Marilyn Bakery �1981 Give-and-take'due south Spirit . None 312
  • Jesus You are the radiance
Dave Fellingham �1985 Thankyou Music . None 313 Join all the glorious names Of wisdom love and
  • Join all the glorious names Of wisdom love and
Isaac Watts 1709 6 6 half-dozen 6 8 8 24 314 Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth
  • Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth
Isaac Watts 1719 eight 6 8 six extended 4 315
  • Jubilate everybody serve the Lord in all
Fred Dunn �1977,1980 Thankyou . None 316 Just as I am without one plea But that Thy blood
  • Just as I am without i plea Just that Thy blood
Charlotte Elliott
William Batchelder Bradbury 1835,1836 viii 8 viii half dozen viii 317
  • Only like You promised
Patty Kennedy �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 318
  • King forever Lord Messiah
Jane Norton �1986 Thankyou Music . None 319
  • King of kings Lord of lords Lion of
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Way Music . None 320
  • Lamb of God Holy 1 Jesus Christ Son of
Chris A. Bowater �1988 Sovereign Life . None 321 Lead us heavenly Father lead us o
  • Pb us heavenly Father pb united states o'er the
James Edmeston 1821 8 7 8 7 8 seven four 322
  • Led like a lamb to the slaughter
Graham Kendrick �1983 Thankyou Music . None 323
  • But let the righteous be glad
Graham Kendrick �1984 Thankyou Music . None 324
  • Lord I want to hear Your vocalisation
Ian Smale �1982 Thankyou Music . None 325
  • Let Me accept my way among yous
Graham Kendrick �1977 Thankyou Music . None 326
  • Let our praise to You be as incense
Brent Sinclair Chambers �1979 Scripture in S . None 327
  • Permit praises ring
Mike McIntosh
Clair McIntosh �1982 Mike and Clair . None 328
  • Let there exist glory and honour and praise
James Greenelsh
Elizabeth Greenelsh �1978 Integrity�s Ho . None 329
  • Allow there exist love shared among u.s.
Dave Bilbrough �1979 Thankyou Music . None 330
  • Allow us break staff of life together we are one
Unknown � Thousand.I.A. Publication . None 331
  • I rejoiced with those who said to me
Ian White �1985 Little Misty M . None 332
  • Permit us praise His name with dancing
Pale Sauni �1983 Scripture in S . None 333 Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord for He
  • Let us with a gladsome listen Praise the Lord for He
John Milton 1623 vii 7 and refrain 13 333 Let us with a joyful mind Praise the Lord for He
  • Let us with a blithesome mind Praise the Lord for He
John Milton 1623 7 7 and refrain 13 334
  • Let Your living water catamenia Over my soul
John Watson �1986 Ampelos Music/ . None 335
  • Here raged the fight
Graham Kendrick �1989 Make Way Music . None 336
  • Elevator upwards your heads to the coming King
Steven Fry �1974 BMG Songs Inc/ . None 337
  • Elevator upwards your heads O y'all gates
Graham Kendrick �1991 Make Mode Music . None 338
  • Who is the Male monarch of glory
Terry Manship �1986 Thankyou Music . None 339
  • From heaven'due south splendour
Mick Gisbey �1987 Thankyou Music . None 340
  • Lighten our darkness Lord we pray
Chris Rolinson �1980 Fundamental Board . None 341
  • Light has dawned
Graham Kendrick �1988 Brand Mode Music . None 342
  • Light of the globe Smooth Your light
Craig Musseau �1990 Mercy/Vineyard . None 343
  • Similar a gentle cakewalk
Maggi Dawn �1991 Thankyou Music . None 344 Like a river glorious is God
  • Like a river glorious is God's perfect
Frances Ridley Havergal half-dozen 5 6 5 D and refrain iii 345
  • Lion of Judah on the throne
Ted Sandquist �1976 Lion of Judah . None 346
  • Living nether the shadow of His wing
David J. Hadden
B. Sylvester �1983 Restoration Mu . None 347
  • Lo He comes with clouds descending In one case
John Cennick
Charles Wesley
Martin Madan
Charles Wesley
Martin Madan 1752,1758,1760 8 7 8 7 4 7 extended 15 348
  • We are His church
Martin Ball �1982 Integrity�s Ho . None 349 Look ye saints the sight is glorious See the Man
  • Look ye saints the sight is glorious See the Human
Thomas Kelly 1809 eight vii 8 7 4 7 extended 5 350
  • Lord and Father Male monarch for ever
Noel Richards �1982 Thankyou Music . None 351
  • Lord come and heal Your church building
Chris Rolinson �1988 Thankyou Music . None 352 Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour
  • Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour
George Hugh Bourne 1874 8 7 8 7 8 vii extended 7 353
  • Lord God heavenly King
Susan Hutchinson �1979 Word's Spirit . None 354
  • Lord have mercy on us
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 355
  • Lord how majestic You are
Stuart Townend �1990 Thankyou Music . None 356
  • Lord I will celebrate Your love
Dave Bilbrough �1987 Thankyou Music . None 357
  • Lord Jesus Christ You have come to us
Patrick Robert Norman Appleford �1960 Josef Weinberg 4 5 v 3 8 8 eight 3 None 358
  • Lord Jesus hither I stand before
Rae Ranford �1990 Thankyou Music . None 359
  • Lord proceed my heart tender
Jesus Fellowship Church �1990 Jesus Fellowsh . None 360
  • Lord make me an instrument
Unknown . 5 361
  • Lord of Lords King of kings
Jessy Dixon
Randy Scruggs
John Thompson �1983 Whole Armor Pu . None 362
  • Lord the light of Your love is shining
Graham Kendrick �1987 Make Manner Music . None 363
  • Lord we come in Your name
Graham Kendrick �1991 Brand Way Music . None 364
  • Lord we give You praise
Mick Ray �1987 Thankyou Music . None 365
  • Lord we long for You to motion in power
T. Morgan
Ray Goudie
Ian Townend
Dave Bankhead �1986 Thankyou Music . None 366
  • Lord we worship Y'all Lord we worship Yous
Dave Bilbrough �1984 Thankyou Music . None 367
  • Lord You are calling
Simon Fenner
Lorraine Fenner �1989 Thankyou Music . None 368
  • Lord You are more precious than silver
Lynn DeShazo �1985 Integrity�s Ho . None 369
  • Lord You lot are and so precious to me
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 370
  • Lord You put a tongue in my mouth
Ian Smale �1983 Thankyou Music . None 371
  • Lord Y'all're faithful and just
Don Moen �186 Integrity�s Hos . None 372
  • Lord Your glory fills my middle
Craig Musseau �1990 Mercy/Vineyard . None 373
  • Lord Your proper noun is holy
Tom Shirey �1987 Mercy Publishi . None 374
  • At Your proper noun the kingdoms fall
Barry Taylor �1990 Thankyou Music . None 375
  • Dear beyond measure
Dave Bilbrough �1884 Thankyou Music . None 376
  • Love came downwardly at Christmas Love all
Christina Georgina Rossetti 1885 vi 7 six 7 3 377 Love divine all loves excelling Joy of heaven to
  • Love divine all loves excelling Joy of heaven to
Charles Wesley 1747 8 7 8 7 D ten 378 Low in the grave He lay Jesus is my
  • Low in the grave He lay Jesus is my
Robert Lowry 1874,1875 6 5 6 4 and refrain 3 379
  • Majesty worship His majesty
Jack Williams Hayford 1976,1980,1981 . 1 380
  • Make a joyful melody
Dave Bilbrough �1988 Thankyou Music . None 381 Make me a channel of your peace Where
  • Brand me a channel of your peace Where
Prayer of St. Franscis
Sebastian Temple 1967 . 3 382
  • Make me Lord a dreamer
Chris A. Bowater �1983 Sovereign Life . None 383
  • Every tribe and nation
Maldwyn Pope �1988 Samsongs/Coron . None 384
  • Brand way Make way for Christ the Male monarch
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 385 Man of sorrows What a Name For the Son
  • Man of sorrows What a Name For the Son
Philip Paul Bliss 1875 seven seven 7 viii v 386 Master speak Thy servant heareth
  • Primary speak Thy retainer heareth
Frances Ridley Havergal 1869 8 7 8 7 7 7 4 387
  • May my life declare the honour
Dave Bilbrough �1990 Thankyou Music . None 388
  • May the fragrance of Jesus
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 389
  • May we be a shining light to this nation
Chris Christensen �1986 Integrity�s Ho . None 390
  • Meekness and Majesty Manhood and Deity
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 391
  • Mighty God gracious King
Maggi Dawn �1987 Thankyou Music . None 392
  • More love more ability more of You lot
Jude Del Hierro �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 393
  • Morn has broken like the first
Eleanor Farjeon �1957, 1985 Gervase 5 5 5 four D None 394
  • Movement Holy Spirit we ask You to fill us
Patricia Morgan �1984 Thankyou Music . None 395 My God how wonderful Thou art Thy majesty how
  • My God how wonderful One thousand art Thy majesty how
Frederick William Faber 1849 8 6 eight vi (C.M.) 10 396
  • My center is total of admiration
Graham Kendrick �1991 Brand Style Music . None 397
  • My Lord He is the fairest of the fair
Joan Parsons �1978 Thankyou Music . None 398
  • My love what beloved is this
Graham Kendrick �1989 Make Way Music . None 399
  • My peace I give unto y'all It's a peace
Keith Routledge �1975,1980 Sovereign . None 400 My song is love unknown My Saviour
  • My vocal is beloved unknown My Saviour'south
Samuel Crossman 1664 6 six vi 6 8 8 extended 7 401
  • My soul longs for You
Dave Fellingham �1988 Thankyou Music . None 402
  • No-ane only You Lord
Andy Park �1988 Mercy/Vineyard . None 403
  • Not unto us but unto Your name
Phil Lawson Johnston �1989 Thankyou Music . None 404
  • Not without a cause do we go
Bill Anderson �1985 Thankyou Music . None 405 Now thank we all our God With hearts
  • Now give thanks nosotros all our God With hearts
Martin Rinkart
Katherine Winkworth
Katherine Winkworth c.1636,1647,1856 six vii half-dozen 7 vi six 6 6 3 406
  • Now unto the Rex eternal Unto the
Joey Holder �1984 Far Lane Music . None 407
  • O breath of life come sweeping through
Elizabeth (Bessie) Ann Porter Head c1914 nine 8 9 8 ane 408 O come all ye faithful joyful and
  • O come all ye faithful joyful and
John Francis Wade
Frederick Oakeley
William Thomas Brooke
Frederick Oakeley
William Thomas Brooke six half dozen 10 v 6 and refrain 7 409
  • O come up let us adore Him
Frederick Oakeley . four 410 O come O come Emmanuel And ransom
  • O come O come up Emmanuel And ransom
Psalteriolum Cantionum Catholi Latin Hymn
Charles (Carolo) Coffin
John Mason Neale
John Stonemason Neale 12 cent,1851 eight eight eight 8 r viii viii ix 411 O for a heart to love my God A heart from sin set
  • O for a heart to love my God A middle from sin set
Charles Wesley 1742 8 6 eight 6 (C.M.) 21 411 O for a heart to praise my God A heart from sin
  • O for a heart to praise my God A heart from sin
Charles Wesley 1742 eight half dozen 8 six (C.1000.) 21 412 O for a thousand tongues to sing
  • O for a thousand tongues to sing
Charles Wesley 1739 8 6 8 6 extended 26 413
  • O give thanks to the Lord
Joanne Pond �1980 Thankyou Music . None 414
  • O God my creator create in me
Graham Kendrick �1979 Thankyou Music . None 415 Our God our help in ages past Our hope
  • Our God our help in ages past Our promise
Isaac Watts 1719 eight 6 8 6 (C.K.) fifteen 415 O God our help in ages past Our hope for
  • O God our help in ages past Our hope for
Isaac Watts 1719 8 6 eight 6 (C.M.) 15 416 O heaven is in my heart
  • O heaven is in my centre
Graham Kendrick �1991 Make Way Music . None 417
  • O I will sing unto You with joy
Shona Sauni �1982 Scripture in Southward . None 418 O Jesus I have promised To serve Thee
  • O Jesus I have promised To serve Thee
John Ernest Bode 1868,1869 vii half dozen 7 6 D 7 419
  • O let the Son of God enfold you lot
John Wimber �1979 Mercy/Vineyard . None 420 O little town of Bethlehem How still we
  • O little town of Bethlehem How still we
Phillips Brooks 1867 8 6 eight 6 7 6 eight 6 6 421
  • O Lord give me an undivided heart
Chris Roe
Dave Markee �1990 Thankyou Music . None 422
  • O Lord have mercy on me
Carl Tuttle �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 423
  • O Lord hear my prayer
Jacques Berthier
Taiz� � Ateliers et Presse . None 424
  • O Lord most Holy God Great are Your
Wendy Churchill �1980 Word's Spirit . None 425 O Lord my God When I in awesome wonder
  • O Lord my God When I in awesome wonder
Carl Gustaf Boberg
Stuart Wesley Keene Hine
Stuart Wesley Keene Hine 1941 eleven 10 11 10 and refrain 4 426
  • O Lord our Lord how majestic is your
Phil Lawson Johnston �1982 Thankyou Music . None 427
  • O Lord our God You are a great God
Mike Kerry �1982 Thankyou Music . None 428
  • You take set Your celebrity above the sky
Hilary Davies �1988 Samsongs/Coron . None 429
  • O Lord the clouds are gathering
Graham Kendrick �1987 Brand Mode Music . None 430
  • O Lord You are my God I will exalt You
David J. Hadden �1983 Restoration Mu . None 431
  • O Lord Yous are my light
Dave Fellingham �1983 Thankyou Music . None 432
  • O Lord You're cute Your face is
Keith Dark-green �1980 Birdwing Music . None 433
  • O Lord Your tenderness
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 434 O love that wilt not let me go I rest my
  • O love that wilt not let me become I rest my
George Matheson 1882 8 eight. 8 8 6 4 435
  • I called to the Lord and He answered
Maggi Dawn �1986 Thankyou Music . None 436
  • O my Lord Yous are most glorious
Geoff Roberts �1990 Thankyou Music . None 437
  • O my Saviour lifted From the earth for
William Walsham How 1876 six 5 half dozen 5 5 438 Once in royal David
  • Once in royal David's urban center Stood a lowly
Cecil Frances (Humphreys) Alexander 1848 8 7 eight 7 seven seven seven 439
  • I shall tell some other And he shall tell
Graham Kendrick �1981 Thankyou Music . None 440
  • 1 matter I ask
Andy Park �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None 441
  • Only by grace can we enter
Gerrit Gustafson �1989 Integrity�s Ho . None 442 Onward Christian soldiers marching as to
  • Onward Christian soldiers marching as to
Sabine Baring-Gould 1865 6 5 half dozen 5 D and refrain vii 443
  • Open our optics Lord We desire to run across Jesus
Robert Cure �1976 Maranatha Musi eleven 12 eleven 11 None 444
  • Open your eyes see the glory
Carl Tuttle �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 445
  • O praise ye the Lord Praise Him In the
Henry Williams Baker 1875 5 5 five 5 6 five vi 5 8 446 O sacred Head now wounded With grief
  • O sacred Head now wounded With grief
Paul Gerhardt
Bernard of Clairvaux
James Waddel Alexander
Rupert E. Davies
James Waddel Alexander
Rupert E. Davies 1153,1656,1830 7 6 7 vi D xx 446 O sacred Head once wounded With grief
  • O sacred Head once wounded With grief
Paul Gerhardt
Bernard of Clairvaux
James Waddel Alexander
Rupert E. Davies
James Waddel Alexander
Rupert Due east. Davies 1153,1656,1830 7 vi 7 6 D twenty 447
  • O taste and see that the Lord
Phil Rogers �1984 Thankyou Music . None 448
  • O that You would bless me
Phil Rogers �1988 Thankyou Music . None 449
  • O the joy of Your forgiveness
Dave Bilbrough �1988 Thankyou Music . None 450
  • O the valleys shall ring
Dave Bilbrough �1980 Thankyou Music . None 451 O Thou who camest from above Ready for all Thy
  • O Thou who camest from in a higher place Ready for all Thy
Charles Wesley 1762 8 8 eight 8 (L.M.) extended 10 452
  • Our confidence is in the Lord
Noel Richards
Tricia Richards �1989 Thankyou Music . None 453
  • Our God is an crawly God
Rich Mullins �1989 Edward Grant I . None 454
  • Out of Your groovy dearest
Patricia Morgan �1986 Thankyou Music . None 455
  • For He has promised to fulfil
Steven Fry �1986 Birdwing Music . None 456
  • O worship the King All glorious above O gratefully
William Kethe
Robert Grant 1561,1833 v 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 x 457 Worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness
  • Worship the Lord in the dazzler of Holiness
John Samuel Bewley Monsell 1863 12 ten 12 10 five 457 O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness
  • O worship the Lord in the dazzler of Holiness
John Samuel Bewley Monsell 1863 12 x 12 10 v 458 Peace is flowing like a river
  • Peace is flowing like a river
Unknown 8 seven 8 seven and refrain v 459
  • Peace like a river
John Watson �1989 Ampelos Music/ . None 460
  • Peace to You We bless you lot at present
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Fashion Music . None 461
  • Praise God for the body
Elizabeth Anne Sweet Ortland �1970 Singspiration . None 462
  • Praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him
Thomas (Bishop) Ken 1674 eight 8 8 8 (L.Thousand.) 1 463
  • Praise Him praise Him Praise Him with
Twila Paris �1984 Singspiration . None 464
  • Praise Him on the trumpet
John Kennett �1981 Thankyou Music . None 465 Praise Him praise Him Jesus our blessed
  • Praise Him praise Him Jesus our blessed
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby 12 ten 12 ten 11 x 12 10 iii 466 Let us praise the King of heaven To his
  • Permit us praise the Rex of heaven To his
Henry Francis Lyte 1834 8 7 8 7 iv seven extended xi 466 Praise my soul the King of heaven To His
  • Praise my soul the King of heaven To His
Henry Francis Lyte 1834 viii seven 8 7 4 seven extended 11 467
  • Praise the Lord Praise Him in His Temple
Dave Fellingham �1986 Thankyou Music . None 468
  • Praise the Name of Jesus Praise the
Roy Hicks �1976,1979 Latter Ra . None 469 Praise to the Holiest in the height And
  • Praise to the Holiest in the pinnacle And
John Henry Newman 1865 8 vi 8 6 (C.G.) vii 470 Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King
  • Praise to the Lord the Omnipotent the Rex
Joachim Neander
Rupert East. Davies
Katherine Winkworth
Katherine Winkworth
others 1679,1863 14 14 4 seven 8 12 471
  • Praise ye the Lord Praise ye the Lord
Chris A. Bowater �1980 Sovereign Life . None 472
  • Praise You Lord for the wonders
Nettie Rose �1977 Thankyou Music . None 473
  • Ready the way of the Lord
Mary Smail � Mary Smail . None 474
  • Prince of peace You are
Robert Gay �1988 Integrity�s Ho . None 475
  • Purify my center Let me exist
Brian Doerksen �1990 Mercy/Vineyard . None 476
  • Our hope our heart our vision
Steve Cook
Vikki Cook �1988 People of Dest . None 477
  • Reconciled I'grand reconciled
Mike Kerry �1984 Thankyou Music . None 478
  • Reign in me sovereign Lord
Chris A. Bowater �1985 Sovereign Life . None 479
  • Reigning in all splendour
Dave Bilbrough �1984 Thankyou Music . None 480
  • Now is the time for us to march upon the
Graham Kendrick �1983 Thankyou Music . None 481
  • Rejoice rejoice rejoice
Chris A. Bowater �1986 Sovereign Life . None 482 Rejoice the Lord is King Your Lord and King adore
  • Rejoice the Lord is King Your Lord and King admire
Charles Wesley 1744,1746 half-dozen 6 half dozen half dozen viii 8 x 483
  • Restore O Lord the honour of Your Name
Graham Kendrick
Chris Rolinson �1981 Thankyou Music . None 484
  • Ship now Your Spirit Lord
Doug Horley �1991 Thankyou Music . None 485 Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly pomp ride on
  • Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly pomp ride on
Henry Hart Milman 1820 8 8 8 8 (50.Thousand.) five 486
  • Rise upwards you lot champions of God
Mark Altrogge �1982 People of Dest . None 487
  • River wash over me
Dougie Brown �1980 Thankyou Music . None 488 Rock of Ages shelter me Let me hide myself in
  • Rock of Ages shelter me Let me hide myself in
Augustus Montague Toplady 1776 vii 7 7 7 7 7 xviii 488 Rock of Ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in
  • Rock of Ages fissure for me Permit me hide myself in
Augustus Montague Toplady 1776 7 seven 7 7 7 7 18 489
  • See amongst the winter's snow Born for us
Edward Caswall 1851,1858 7 7 7 vii and refrain 7 490
  • Come across Him come the King upon
Hilary Davies �1988 Samsongs/Coron . None 491 See Him lying on a bed of straw
  • See Him lying on a bed of harbinger
Michael �A. Perry � B Perry(Mrs)/Jubil . None 492
  • See His glory encounter His glory
Chris A. Bowater �1986 Sovereign Life . None 493
  • Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Karen Lafferty 1972, 1986 . 3 494
  • Set my spirit free That I might worship
Unknown . 1 495
  • Shout for joy and sing your praises
Dave Bilbrough �1983 Thankyou Music . None 496
  • Shout for joy and sing your praises
Dave Fellingham �1988 Thankyou Music . None 497
  • Bear witness Your power O Lord
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Way Music . None 498 Silent night holy night All is calm
  • Silent night holy night All is calm
Josef (Joseph) Mohr
Franz Xaver Gruber
Stopford Augustus Brooke
John Freeman Young
Stopford Augustus Brooke
John Freeman Immature c.1816-1818,1863 . 4 499
  • Sing hallelujah to the Lord
Linda Stassen �1974 New Song Minis . None 499
  • Sing alleluia to the Lord
Linda Stassen �1974 New Vocal Minis . None 500
  • For God is the Male monarch over all
Lea Melva � Larry Lea Ministri . None 501
  • Sing to the Lord be joyful in praise
Noel Richards
Tricia Richards �1990 Thankyou Music . None 502
  • Tell amid the nations the Lord reigns
Mick Ray �1977 Thankyou Music . None 503
  • So freely
Dave Bilbrough �1983 Thankyou Music . None 504
  • Soften my heart Lord I want
Cindy Gough �1989 Mercy/Vineyard . None 505
  • Soften my heart Lord Soften
Graham Kendrick �1988 Brand Way Music . None 506 Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armour on
  • Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armour on
Charles Wesley c.1741 6 6 8 6 (S.M.) 24 507
  • Son of God this is our praise song
John Wimber �1979 Mercy/Vineyard . None 508
  • Sovereign Lord I am Yours
Noel Richards
Tricia Richards �1990 Thankyou Music . None 509
  • Spirit breathe on us
Graham Kendrick
Dave Bilbrough �1990 Thankyou Music . None 510
  • Spirit of the living God fall afresh on
Daniel Iverson 1926,1935, 1963 . ii 511
  • Spirit of the living God fall afresh
Paul Armstrong �1984 Restoration Mu . None 512 Stand up and bless the Lord Ye people of His
  • Stand upwards and bless the Lord Ye people of His
James Montgomery 1824 6 6 eight 6 (Due south.One thousand.) 8 513 Stand up Stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers of the
  • Stand up upward Stand up upwardly for Jesus Ye soldiers of the
George Duffield 1858 vii half dozen 7 6 D 8 514
  • Such love pure every bit the whitest snow
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Manner Music . None 515
  • Such love Such grace
Dave Bryant �1982 Thankyou Music . None 516
  • Sweetness fellowship Jesus in the midst
Ronnie Wilson �1978 Thankyou Music . None 517
  • Swing wide the gates Let the King come
Chris A. Bowater �1986 Sovereign Life . None 518
  • My claret was shed for many
Paul SImmons �1985 Thankyou Music . None 519 Take my life and let it be Consecrated
  • Take my life and allow information technology be Consecrated
Frances Ridley Havergal 1874 seven 7 vii 7 6 520
  • Tell out my soul the greatness of the
TImothy Dudley-Smith �1961,1962 Timothy D 10 10 ten x None 521
  • He is able to keep us from falling
Robert Stoodley �1978 Sovereign Musi . None 522
  • Thank you for the Cross The price Y'all
Graham Kendrick �1985 Thankyou Music . None 523
  • You went to Calvary
Alison Huntley �1978 Thankyou Music . None 524
  • Thank You Lord for this fine twenty-four hours
Diane Davis Andrew �1971,1975 Celebrati . None 525 The Church
  • The Church's 1 foundation Is Jesus
Samuel John Stone 1866 vii 6 7 6 D nine 526
  • The Church'south one foundation
Dave Bilbrough �1986 Thankyou Music . None 527 The day Thou gavest Lord is ended
  • The day Thou gavest Lord is ended
John Ellerton 1870 ix viii 9 8 5 528
  • The mountains are His The seas and the
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 529 The first Noel the angel did say Was to certain
  • The commencement Noel the angel did say Was to certain
Traditional English Carol thirteen cent,1833 . nine 530 The God of Abraham praise Who reigns enthroned
  • The God of Abraham praise Who reigns enthroned
Daniel ben Judah
Thomas Olivers
Thomas Olivers c.1400,c.1675,1775-0 6 6 8 four D 17 530 The God of Abraham praise All praised be
  • The God of Abraham praise All praised be
Daniel ben Judah
Thomas Olivers
Thomas Olivers c.1400,c.1675,1775-0 half dozen half dozen eight four D 17 531 The head that once was crowned with
  • The head that once was crowned with
Thomas Kelly 1820 8 6 8 6 (C.K.) 14 532
  • The King is among us
Graham Kendrick �1981 Thankyou Music . None 533 The King of love my Shepherd is Whose
  • The King of love my Shepherd is Whose
Henry Williams Baker 1868 8 7 8 7 Iambic half-dozen 534
  • The Lord has given a country
Unknown . three 535
  • He has given to them the lands
Chris A. Bowater �1982 Sovereign Life . None 536
  • The Lord is marching out in splendour
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 537 The Lord
  • The Lord'south my Shepherd I'll not want
Francis Rous (Rowe)
(1650) Scottish Psalter 1650 8 6 8 six (C.M.) 11 538
  • The Lord your God is in your midst
Unknown . 1 539
  • The nations are waiting for u.s.
Marking Altrogge �1986 People of Dest . None 540
  • The toll is paid Come let united states of america enter in
Graham Kendrick �1983 Thankyou Music . None 541
  • Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall
Ruth Lake �1972 Scripture in S . None 542 There is a green hill far away Outside a
  • There is a green colina far abroad Exterior a
Cecil Frances (Humphreys) Alexander 1848 8 6 eight half-dozen (C.G.) 6 543
  • At that place is a Name I love to hear
Frederick Whitfield �1945 Salvationist P 8 vi 8 6 (C.M.) and refra None 544
  • There is a Redeemer
Tune Green
Keith Greenish �1982 Birdwing Music . None 545
  • There is power in the name of Jesus
Noel Richards �1989 Thankyou Music . None 546
  • At that place'south a quiet understanding
Tedd Smith �1973 Hope Publishin . None 547
  • There'southward a audio on the wind like a
Graham Kendrick �1978 Thankyou Music . None 548
  • The Spirit of the Lord the sovereign
Chris A. Bowater �1985 Sovereign Life . None 549
  • Hail happy morn hail holy day
Philip Paul Bliss 1870 9 9 9 6 and refrain 3 550
  • The trumpets sound the angels sing
Graham Kendrick �1989 Make Way Music . None 551 Thine is the glory risen conquering Son
  • Thine is the glory risen conquering Son
Edmond Louis Budry
Richard Birch Hoyle
Richard Birch Hoyle �1884,1923 Earth Chr 10 xi 11 11 and refrain None 551 Thine be the glory risen conquering Son
  • Thine be the glory risen conquering Son
Edmond Louis Budry
Richard Birch Hoyle
Richard Birch Hoyle �1884,1923 World Chr ten 11 11 eleven and refrain None 552
  • All that is in heaven and earth
Suella Behms �1983 Christian Fell . None 553
  • This is the day this is the day
Les Garrett �1967, 1980 Maranath . None 554
  • K fine art worthy thousand art worthy
Pauline Michael Mills �1963, 1975 Fred Boc . None 555 Thou didst leave Thy throne And Thy king
  • One thousand didst exit Thy throne And Thy rex
Emily Elizabeth Steele Elliott 1864,1870 11 eight 11 8 r 8 eight 5 556
  • Thou O Lord fine art a shield about me
Donn Thomas
Charles Williams �1980 Spoone Music/Westward . None 557 Thou Whose eternal word Chaos and darkness heard
  • Thou Whose eternal word Chaos and darkness heard
John Marriott 1813,1825-06 6 6 4 6 half dozen 6 4 9 557 Thou Whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard
  • G Whose omnipotent word Anarchy and darkness heard
John Marriott 1813,1825-06 half dozen six 4 half dozen half dozen 6 4 9 558
  • Through our God we shall do valiantly
Dale Garrett �1979 Scripture in S . None 559 To God be the glory Great things He has
  • To God be the glory Great things He has
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby 1875 11 eleven 11 eleven with refrain 3 560
  • To Him who sits on the throne
Debbye Graafsma �1984 Integrity�due south Ho . None 561
  • Unto Thee O Lord exercise I elevator up
Charles F. Monroe �1971 Maranatha Musi . None 562
  • Unto Y'all O Lord
Phil Townend �1986 Thankyou Music . None 563
  • You have called usa out of darkness
David J. Hadden �1982 Restoration Mu . None 564
  • We are all together
Danny Daniels �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 565
  • We are a people of power
Trevor Rex �1986 Trevor Rex/Ki . None 566
  • We are beingness built into a temple
Ian Traynar �1977 Thankyou Music . None 567
  • We are hither to praise Y'all
Graham Kendrick �1985 Thankyou Music . None 568
  • The enemy's attacking
Ian Smale �1987 Thankyou Music . None 569
  • We are standing on holy footing
Geron Davis �1983 Songchannel Mu . None 570
  • We are the easily of God
John Pantry �1990 Thankyou Music . None 571
  • We are Your people who are chosen
Dave Fellingham �1986 Thankyou Music . None 572
  • We believe in God the Father Maker of
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 573
  • We break this bread
Chris Rolinson �1980 Central Board . None 574
  • Nosotros bring the cede of praise
Kirk Dearman �1981,1984 Stamps Ba . None 575
  • The blind see the deaf hear
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 576
  • We declare there'southward only one Lord
Pete Roe �1985 Thankyou Music . None 577
  • We declare Your majesty
Malcolm du Plessis �1984 Thankyou Music . None 578
  • We extoll You lot our God and King
Dave Fellingham �1987 Thankyou Music . None 579
  • We have come up into this place and gathered in His
Bruce Ballinger �1976 Canticle Publi . None 579
  • We have come into His house and gathered in His
Bruce Ballinger �1976 Canticle Publi . None 580
  • We have come up to Mount Zion
Robert Newey �1989 Thankyou Music . None 581
  • We know that all things work together
David J. Hadden �1983 Restoration Mu . None 582
  • We'll sing a new song of glorious
Diane Fung �1978 Springtide . None 583
  • We'll walk the state
Graham Kendrick �1989 Thankyou Music . None 584
  • Nosotros place You on the highest place
Ramon Pinkish �1983 Scripture in S . None 585 We plough the fields and scatter
  • Nosotros plough the fields and scatter
Matthias Claudius
Jane Montgomery Campbell
Jane Montgomery Campbell 1782,1862 7 6 seven 6 D and refrain 3 586
  • We really want to give thanks Y'all Lord
Ed Baggett �1974,1975 Celebrati . None 587
  • We residuum on Thee our shield and our
Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry c.1895 11 10 11 10 extended 4 588
  • We shall be as i
Joan Parsons �1978 Thankyou Music . None 589 Lord You have chosen me
  • Lord You have chosen me
Graham Kendrick �1988 Thankyou Music . None 590
  • We volition glorify the King of kings
Twila Paris �1982 Singspiration 9 7 9 6 and refrain None 591
  • You are the Alpha and Omega
Phil Lawson Johnston �1987 Thankyou Music . None 592
  • We worship and adore Y'all Christ
Ge Baas �1983 Thankyou Music . None 593 What a friend we have in Jesus
  • What a friend we accept in Jesus
Joseph Medicott Scriven
Charles Crozat Converse 1857 viii 7 viii 7 D 4 594
  • When I feel the touch of Your paw
Keri Jones
Dave Matthews �1978 Springtide . None 595
  • When I await into Your holiness
Wayne Perrin
Cathy Perrin �1981 Integrity�s Ho . None 596 When I survey the wondrous cross On which the
  • When I survey the wondrous cross On which the
Isaac Watts
Hymns Ancient and Modern 1707 8 8 8 8 (L.M.) vii 597 When morning gilds the skies My heart
  • When forenoon gilds the skies My heart
Katholisches Gesangbuch
Edward Caswall
Robert Seymour Bridges
Edward Caswall
Robert Seymour Bridges 1744,1828,1854,1899 6 6 6 6 6 6 19 598
  • When the Spirit of the Lord
Unknown . 5 599 When we walk with the Lord
  • When we walk with the Lord
John Henry Sammis 1887 12 ix 12 9 and refrain 5 600
  • Where You lot go I will become
Unknown . i 601
  • Whether y'all're i
Graham Kendrick �1986 Thankyou Music . None 602 While shepherds watched their flocks by
  • While shepherds watched their flocks by
Nahum Tate 1700 8 six viii 6 (C.M.) 12 603
  • Who tin can ever say they understand
Dave Bilbrough �1980 Thankyou Music . None 604
  • Who can audio the depths of sorrow
Graham Kendrick �1988 Make Way Music . None 605 Who is He in yonder stall
  • Who is He in yonder stall
Benjamin Russell Hanby 1866 vii 7 and refrain 8 606
  • Who is like unto Thee
Judy Horner-Montemayor �1972 Family Crusade . None 607 Who is on the Lord
  • Who is on the Lord's side Who will serve
Frances Ridley Havergal 1877 6 5 6 5 T 5 608
  • Who is this that grows
Phil Rogers �1984 Thankyou Music . None 609
  • Jesus told the states all about y'all
Jane Clowe
Betsy Clowe �1974,1975 Celebrati . None 610
  • With all my center I thank You
Paul Field �1987 Thankyou Music . None 611
  • With my whole middle I will praise You lot
Graham Kendrick �1981 Thankyou Music . None 612
  • Wonderful love coming to me
Dave Fellingham �1990 Thankyou Music . None 613
  • Worship the Lord In His presence
John Watson �1986 Ampelos Music/ . None 614
  • Worthy art Thou O Lord our God
Dave Richards �1979 Thankyou Music . None 615
  • Worthy is the Lamb seated on
David J. Hadden �1983 Restoration Mu . None 616
  • Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Andy Park �1990 Mercy/Vineyard . None 617
  • Worthy O worthy are Yous Lord
Marker Kinzer �1976 The Word of Become . None 618
  • Worthy the Lord is worthy
Ian White �1986 Little Misty Thousand . None 619
  • Ye holy angels vivid Who wait at God's
Richard Baxter
John Hampden Gurney
Richard Robert Chope 1681 6 6 six 6 viii viii ix 620 Ye servants of God Your Master proclaim
  • Ye servants of God Your Master proclaim
Charles Wesley 1744 5 5 v 5 half dozen 5 6 5 7 621
  • You are beautiful beyond clarification
Marking Altrogge �1987 People of Dest . None 622
  • You are empathetic
Mark Altrogge �1989 People of Dest . None 623
  • You are crowned with many crowns
John Sellers �1984 Integrity�due south Ho . None 624
  • You are here and I behold
Patty Kennedy �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 625
  • You are my hiding place you lot always fill
Michael Ledner �1981 Maranatha Musi . None 626
  • You are the Holy One
Andy Park �1988 Mercy/Vineyard . None 627
  • You are the King of Glory You are the
Mavis Ford
Loxley Ford �1978 Springtide . None 628
  • Y'all are the mighty Rex
Eddie Espinosa �1982 Mercy/Vineyard . None 629
  • Then we'll grow in Your love
Danny Daniels
Randy Rigby �1985 Mercy/Vineyard . None 630
  • You are worthy Lord You lot're worthy
John Daniel Lawtum �1982 Millenium Dawn . None 631
  • You did not wait for me to draw near
Mark Altrogge �1985 People of Dest . None 632
  • You lot have been given the Proper noun above all
Bob Kauflin �1988 People of Dest ten 10 ten 10 None 633
  • You laid aside Your majesty Gave upward
Noel Richards �1985 Thankyou Music . None 634
  • Lord Your love brings healing
Patricia Morgan
Sue Rinaldi �1990 Thankyou Music . None 635
  • Yous O Lord rich in mercy
Marking Veary
Paul Oakley �1986 Thankyou Music . None 636
  • You lot purchased men with precious blood
James William Elliott �1987 BMG Songs Inc/ . None 637
  • Your mercy flows upon u.s.
Wes Sutton �1988 Sovereign Life . None 638
  • Your works Lord
Andy Park �1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None 639
  • You saturday down at the right hand
Mark Altrogge �1987 Integrity�s Ho . None 640
  • You shall become out with joy And be led
Steffi Geiser Rubin
Stuart Dauermann 1975 . 1


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